
#ASKCIC Support Video - Join our Support Webcasts
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Learn more about how to join our Support Webcasts where our CIC Expert will guide you on the support resources available and the key topic areas to enable you to successfully engage with Support.  Register here for our upcoming Webinars: https://webinars.sap.com/sap-support/en/home

The Getting Started with Support session provides you with a high level overview of the Next Generation Support Resources available to you.  

In the Self-Service and Incident Prevention session you will learn how to search for known issues and resolutions in all of SAP's knowledge repositories. 

In the Launchpad Overview / Introduction to the SAP One Support Launchpad session you will become more familiar with the SAP ONE Support Launchpad and its applications. 

In the Incident Management session, we share our best practices for incident creation to help you improve the quality of the incidents you create and gain a better understanding of the SAP Processes.