
Create your first campaign to collect ideas on your new product - SAP Enterprise Product Development, innovation management
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The video introduces SAP Product Innovation Management as aplatform to capture, share and trace ideas for managing creative and marketingcampaigns across an extended enterprise. The platform allows users to submitideas anytime and anywhere, and all ideas can be evaluated and ranked to findthe best fit for further processing. The video also shows an example of aproduct manager using the Manage Campaigns application to create a campaign tocollect ideas for the next generation autonomous vehicle. The colleagues orexperts can submit ideas with detailed content and publish them, and theproduct manager can view all the submitted ideas. However, the video ends witha teaser for the next episode about how to find the best fit for the nextprocess or step.

Find the video here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg5OTgxODM1Mw==&mid=2247483671&idx=1&sn=bf0e70fe2c005bcaaf724d64ac...